Someone's comment given from this post
The scriptures do not say accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior and ye shall be saved but it does say in Acts 2:38,39 and other places in Acts to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Notice you have to first repent.
The requirements for salvation you refer to in Acts 2 are the requirements of the Kingdom gospel which is relevant for the Jews during that dispensation. Today, in the grace dispensation, the requirement for salvation is to hear and chose to believe in the grace gospel of the cross work of Jesus Christ. In the grace gospel, salvation is not tied up in confessing Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Son of God. It is also not in the requirement of water baptism which is an ordinance necessary in the Jewish program. It is believing that the death of Jesus Christ is for the forgiveness of sins and that His resurrection is for our justification and right standing before God.
In a sense, you are absolutely right that the gospel is not about accepting the Lord Jesus as your Savior in order to be saved. Unfortunately, this, like the other things mentioned below are misconceptions about 'how to be saved'.
Things like:
- Invite Jesus into your heart.
- You must walk the aisle and confess your sins in front of witnesses.
- You must be water baptized to qualify for salvation.
- Say the sinners' prayer
What is the gospel message?
That Jesus Christ died for the sins you committed and by His blood payment on the cross He redeemed you from the penalty of death. That by the resurrection of Christ from the dead, you are justified before God and are sealed by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ. See 1 Cor.15:1-4 and Eph.2:8-9Only the gospel message contains the power to bring someone to salvation. (Rom.1:16). Nobody can coerce or force anybody to be saved. Salvation comes when God produces that moment of faith in a person's heart to believe the gospel message (see Acts 16:14; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Ephesians 1:18; Galatians 1:15-16; Titus 3:5). If that person choses to respond to that faith and believes that the cross work of Jesus Christ is their only way to be saved, then they will experience salvation in that instant, and they are regenerated in spirit and made alive into a new creation.
Salvation cannot be coerced. It cannot be earned. It cannot be forced upon
another. It cannot be bought. Salvation is a personal experience between God
and the person who has heard the gospel and is responding to it by faith in
Christ alone.
Finally, the gospel will inevitably transform the life of a believer. Christianity is about regeneration, not reformation. Our lives are not changed by changing our character, but our character is changed by a change of life; by reading the Word and walking in willing obedience to the indwelling Spirit of Life.
Comment continued...
Read again in Acts starting in Acts 2:38,39 Peter commanded the Jews to be baptized in the name of Jesus. Peter also commanded the gentiles in Acts 10 to be baptized in the name of Jesus. Do you know what the word "commanded" means?
Peter is one of the Jewish apostles who operates under the prophetic program and under the law. Peter is not the apostle of the body of Christ and although he is giving a command in those verses, it is to those under the prophetic program and not to us.
On the other side of the coin, Paul is our apostle, the apostle of the gentiles. We need to heed to what Paul writes which are instructions to the church under grace today. Paul is also the one who wrote that we need to rightly divide the word and separate that which is for Israel from that which is for the body of Christ under grace. It iso important that one does not mix or blend scripture together from the two separate dispensations, else one ends up with a skewed interpretation of doctrine.
Comment continued...
There is only one plan of salvation in the New Testament and that is Acts 2:38,39. Ignore this at your soul's peril. You forget Peter had the KEY TO HEAVEN. And he used that key in Acts 2:38,39. Peter also commanded the gentiles to obey Acts 2:38,39. The same plan of salvation for the Jews and Gentiles in the New Testament.
You have the Kingdom gospel spot on. I have written many blog posts to document the kingdom gospel, but the part you are overlooking is that there is not just one gospel.
There is the gospel of the kingdom (for the Jews, to inherit the earth [Millennial Kingdom]) and there is the gospel of the grace of God (for the Gentiles, to inherit the heavens). The kingdom gospel is about identifying Jesus as the Messiah, confessing His name, being baptized and enduring faithfully to the end in works. This is not the conditions Paul specifies for the body of Christ. The grace gospel is about the cross work of Christ. It is about His death for our forgiveness and His resurrection for our justification. The grace gospel does not include the requirements of confession, repentance, and water baptism. The writings of Paul are pretty clear on this. “Not of works, so that nobody can boast!”
Here is a post I wrote with some clarifying answers regarding the gospels:
I’m certainly not ignoring anything regarding the critical doctrine of salvation. I have done extensive studies in my writings on this topic. The scriptures are very clear about the transitions between the gospel of the kingdom and the grace gospel. I stand in confidence in my understanding of it. If the gospel did not change between the Jews and the Gentiles, why did God need Paul? What then was the purpose of his ministry to the Gentiles?

Well said. Not that I disagreeing, but when I came to Christ, acknowledging him as my lord and savior, I did ask him to come in my hear and change me. I agree it is not some specific format, but as you said when the holy spirit draws you, you be prepared. Yes, it is true, many would focus on the words then the heart, and walk away the same way, thinking they are saved when they really are not. Catholic do this, that is why so many of them are lost.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, correct, Baptism is NOT required for salvation as stated ,but we should get baptized at some point as a declaration of that faith.
Anyway, good words and God bless Brother.
If you can check out my blog. It's not the best, but I do try to spread the love. :)
I'm not sure how I missed your comments, but thank you for your kind and encouraging words. It is much appreciated.
DeleteThe following paragraph, concerning baptism, is my current view. Don't let what I write influence you. You stand in your own faith regarding baptism until God, through His word, changes your view. Amen!! 😊
I used to believe that baptism was a declaration of faith, and even was baptised years ago with that understanding, but since I learned the true purpose of baptism, that it is an ordinance of Israel for the cleansing of priesthood, and the role it plays in their prophetic program, it diminished my views of baptism as a declaration. There is only one baptism for us and that is the baptism performed by the Holy Spirit to immerse us into the Body of Christ. I declared that baptism today. For me, water is meaningless.
God bless my friend. Say well.
PS: I will go to your blog and browse around. (TX for the link!!)
I meant come into my heart.
ReplyDeleteAs I stated Baptism is NOT required for salivation but one should do it. However, if one chooses not get baptized that is their decision. Believe me, you can never influence me. I don't stand on my own faith I stand on the infallible word of God. There is nothing for my view to change. Again, I already stated it is not necessary for salvation. Baptism is important because it provides a visual testimony—a public declaration to the world—that symbolically identifies the new believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christian baptism is one of two ordinances that Jesus instituted for the church. Just before His ascension, Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age”
ReplyDeleteMatt 28:19-20. These instructions specify that the church is responsible to teach Jesus’ word, make disciples, and baptize those disciples. These things are to be done everywhere (“all nations”) until “the very end of the age.” So, if for no other reason, baptism has importance because Jesus commanded it.
So finally, Yes, it is a declaration of our faith in what Christ did at the cross and no, it is does not save anyone. Yes, all believers in Christ are baptized in the Holy Spirit the moment they accept Christ as lord and savior. Scriptures tells us it is through the holy spirit that we belong to Christ. Romans 8:8-9
God bless.
As you continue to browse through my blog posts, you will find that I apply the instruction of Paul to rightly divide the word, 2Tim.2:15. This instruction ultimately instructs us to divide Israel's prophetic doctrine from Paul's mystery doctrine for the Body of Christ. In God's whole redemption plan, He uses Israel to fill the earth with the righteousness of Christ and He uses the Body of Christ to fill the heavens with the righteousness of Christ. These two dispensations cannot be blended or merged together because they are distinct and contradictory to each other. Trying to blend the two together, or taking parts of scripture from one and applying it to the other will cause false narrative and a skewed doctrine.
DeleteThe instructions you quote in Matt.28 is the commission for Israel. This commission was started by the 12-apostles, but they never got close to completing it. It will be completed in the Millennial Kingdom when Israel is preeminent and are the kings and priests of Jesus Christ, ministering His word and law to all the nations of the world in that Kingdom.
Our commission today in this age of grace is to reconcile all people to God through the mystery doctrine revealed to us by our apostle Paul. Paul tells us that we do NOT know Jesus according to His earthly ministry (2Cor.5:16) and that we should preach Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mysteries (Rom.16:25-26), which means we preach Jesus from the epistles of Paul, as per Jesus' heavenly ministry.
Kind regards.
The Great Commission is outlined in Matthew 28:16–20 Jesus calls on his followers to make disciples of and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
DeleteSir, you are not the only one with spiritual knowledge and understanding of scriptures. I too, study the word and show myself approved by God, NOT man. AND 2 Tim.2:15 has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with separating Israel's prophetic doctrine from Paul's mystery doctrine for the Body of Christ. That would be straight Ludacris. They don’t contradict. The Jews and gentiles belong to the body of Christ. The Bible knows of only one division — believer and unbeliever, no Jew and gentile or any other distinction. Christ broke down barriers and brought men together. PERIOD – Ephesians 2: 14-22
Do you truly understand what it means to divide the word of truth??? This has nothing to do with dividing Jews from gentiles.
2 Cor.5:16 says no such thing. Every born-again believer in Christ are new creatures (JEWS/Gentiles alike) No offense but all this is truly nonsense here. Even Peter sent to Cornelius home and baptized in him and his family. What are you dividing? Although the Jews are God’s chosen race they were still born in sin, shaped in iniquity and in need of a savior just as all.
While it is true God will have 144K Jews preaching the gospel during the tribulation and being many to Christ, ALL, will be in the Millennial Kingdom. The body of Christ will return with Christ at his 2nd coming. There are Jewish Christians today, who belong to the body of Christ. YOU KIDDING ME! Jews and Gentiles will be in the Millennial Kingdom
Romans 11:11-31 Tells us we have been grafted in. God used the Jews to demonstrate his love for the world. Scriptures tells us gentiles have been grifted in.
1 Corinthians 12: 27 - Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But earnestly desire the higher gifts. PAUL was speaking to both the Jewish and Gentiles Christians in Corinth. Please tell me what you are dividing
1) Members of the Body of Christ are joined to Christ in salvation Ephesian 4:15-16
2) Members of the Body of Christ follow Christ as their Head Ephesian 1:22-23
3) Members of the Body of Christ are the physical representation of Christ in this world. The Church is the organism through which Christ manifests His life to the world today.
4) Members of the Body of Christ are indwelt by the Holy Spirit of Christ Romans 8:
5) Members of the Body of Christ possess a diversity of gifts suited to particular functions 1 Corinth 12:4-31 “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So, it is with Christ” (verse 12).
6) Members of the Body of Christ share a common bond with all other Christians, regardless of background, race, or ministry. “There should be no division in the body, but . . . its parts should have equal concern for each other” 1Corinthiasn 12:25
8) Members of the Body of Christ partake of Christ’s death and resurrection Colossians 2:12 Jews/Gentiles alike
9) Members of the Body of Christ share Christ’s inheritance Romans 8:17 Jews/Gentiles alike
10) Members of the Body of Christ receive the gift of Christ’s righteousness Romans 5:17 Jews/ Gentiles alike
Delete“Our commission today in this age of grace is to reconcile all people to God through the mystery doctrine revealed to us by our apostle Paul. Paul tells us that we do NOT know Jesus according to His earthly ministry (2Cor.5:16) and that we should preach Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mysteries (Rom.16:25-26), which means we preach Jesus from the epistles of Paul, as per Jesus' heavenly ministry.”
WHAT!!! This is like saying what Peter, John and James preached means nothing. No offense but your words to me is like Satan using scriptures and twisting them for his own purpose.
The Great Commission is outlined in Matthew 28:16–20 Jesus calls on his followers to make disciples of and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
You don't understand because you are not taking right division into account. The Bible is very clear about TWO parts in God's redemption plan. One part is to save Israel so that they can be used by God to restore the earth from its corruption. The other part is to save members into the Body of Christ so that they can be used by God to restore the heavens from its corruption. With proper bible study you will see that these two parts are represented in prophecy and in Paul's mystery doctrine. This is why Paul tells us to rightly divide the Word of truth in 2Tim.2:15.
DeleteThus, Peter, John and James preaching DEFINITELY means something to Israel. They were apostles to Israel and preached the Kingdom message for their salvation. Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles (Rom.11:13) and He preached the Grace (Mystery) doctrine for our salvation. Thus, Paul's 13-epistles contain the instructions that we abide by and practice (apply) today. We learn and understand Israel's prophetic doctrine so that we can understand God's dual plan, but prophecy is not applicable today, --God is not fulfilling prophecy today which the Mystery plan is active. When this mystery plan is complete and the rapture of the Body of Christ happens, then God will reactivate prophecy. At his time, when the Tribulation begins, then Israel, and the prophetic plan will come back into motion.
Until you recognize that there are two parts to God's plan, and that you must keep these parts separate, scripture will never really fall into place. Think of this, if you separate the two parts, then you can understand why God called Paul and sent him to the Gentiles with a different doctrine.
When you don't separate the two plans, you end up writing statements like this:
"This is like saying what Peter, John and James preached means nothing. No offense but your words to me is like Satan using scriptures and twisting them for his own purpose."
The two programs cannot fit together and causes people to misinterpret scripture when they try to blend all things into one narrative. I trust this clarifies your confusion.
God chose the nation of Israel to be the people through whom Jesus Christ would be born—the Savior from sin and death John 3:16 God first promised the Messiah after Adam and Eve’s fall into sin . God later confirmed that the Messiah would come from the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Jesus Christ is the ultimate reason why God chose Israel to be His special people. God did not need to have a chosen people, but He decided to do it that way. Jesus had to come from some nation of people, and God chose Israel.
ReplyDeleteHowever, God’s reason for choosing the nation of Israel was not solely for the purpose of producing the Messiah. God’s desire for Israel was that they would go and teach others about Him. Israel was to be a nation of priests, prophets, and missionaries to the world. God’s intent was for Israel to be a distinct people, a nation who pointed others towards God and His promised provision of a Redeemer, Messiah, and Savior. For the most part, Israel failed in this task. However, God’s ultimate purpose for Israel—that of bringing the Messiah into the world—was fulfilled perfectly in the Person of Jesus Christ.
I agree 100% with your above comments. Although Israel failed initially, they will fulfill their commission and purpose in the Millennial Kingdom. Israel will be preeminent and will be at the head of all nations. In the Millennial Kingdom they will be kings and priests to take the word of God out to the nations and will be the blessing of all nations under Christ.