
Did Paul teach fasting? Is the fast also part of the church or just for Jews?

Who is Peter writing to in his epistles?

What is it about two programs, two agencies, two doctrines, and two destinations?

Who was it that Paul claims to have seen? Isn't it Satan that masquerades as an angel of light.

Did Jesus WILLINGLY pay the penalty of sin?

Why can’t I take the words of Jesus and ignore those of Paul?

Are we committing sin when we do something we do not know is a sin?

When and where was the origin of the gospel?

Where did Peter and the 11 preach that circumcision was necessary for salvation?

Can one connect the ministry of John the Baptist to the Old Testament priesthood?

What's up with Peter and James versus Paul?

What does it mean in the Lord’s Prayer when it says, "...on Earth as it is in Heaven..."?