How were the Jews in the Old Testament saved?


Do you teach that the Jews of the Old Testament were saved by works of a combination of faith and works, and if so, do you argue that from James 2?


I’m glad that you say Old Testament Jew and distinguish their salvation as different from today. It is important to clarify that in this grace dispensation today, under the grace gospel, there is no Jew or Gentile, Gal.3:28. We are all the same and people of all nations have access to God and salvation though the gospel of Christ.

Now, concerning Old Testament, from Moses to Jesus, I can answer your question by referring to this verse:

Rom.3:30 Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision BY faith, and uncircumcision THROUGH faith.

As the verse identifies, today, Gentiles obtain righteousness THROUGH having trusting in what Christ has done for them, or in other words, NOT BY THEIR OWN FAITH but through the faith of Jesus Christ, Gal.2:16; Phil.3:9. It is the righteousness of Christ that is imputed to Gentiles and thus salvation is THROUGH the means of Christ.

On the other hand, Jews are also saved by faith, but it is by the demonstration of THEIR OWN FAITH in the covenants, laws, and promises, that God had made with them. Thus, they are saved BY their own faith worked out by demonstration, as the apostle James so fervently declares in his epistle.

This truth is further confirmed in Rom.4:11-17 through the life of Abraham: specifically, through verse 11 representing the Gentiles through imputation, and verse 12 representing the Jews by walking in the steps of faith.

I trust this clarifies my view and answers your question.
